Social Media SEO

for WeChat, Douyin & Co

Ever heard of social media SEO for China?

The search environment in China is constantly evolving, and Baidu is no longer the only provider in town. E-commerce and social media platforms such as WeChat, Weibo and Douyin are on the rise as more and more people turn to them for their search queries. This shift opens up a host of new opportunities for brands looking to connect with their target audiences and increase their visibility. With the right approach, companies can take advantage of this changing landscape to create meaningful connections and drive real results.

Founder and CEO, Kun Tang

Kun Tang

Founder and CEO
Kun has more than 15 years of experience in Chinese Digital Marketing, leading one of the most successful SEO companies in China, with more than 100 successful client projects. Together with Marcus he wrote the most indepth book on SEO for China.
Partner and Director SEO, Marcus Pentzek

Marcus Pentzek

Partner & Director SEO
Marcus has more than 15 years hands-on experience in international SEO for successful brands. He created the world's first Baidu SEO Ranking Factors Correlation Study in 2020, the most comprehensive guide on Baidu Updates and wrote the book "SEO for China" together with Kun.
Office Manager

Jia Jia

Office Manager
Without her, our office would probably just be a room full of chairs – she's the true cog that keeps us spinning!
Chinese Social Media Specialist Job Opening

Mingze Dong

China SEO Consultant
Mingze learned SEO from the best and manages our Chinese, Korean and Japanese SEO campaigns in Tianjin office.
Chinese SEO Specialist Job Opening

Maybe You?

Young SEO Enthusiast
For Tianjin we are looking for new SEO staff. If you are experienced in SEO or if you want to learn professional White Hat SEO for China, we are the right company for you to apply at.
Chinese Social Media Specialist Job Opening

Maybe You?

Young Social Media enthusiast
We want you! Chinese Social Medias are the new search engines and optimizing our client's WeChat, Weibo & co will help them getting found.
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Reach your target audience on WeChat, Weibo and Douyin search

WeChat and Douyin SEO, or Chinese social media SEO in general, is an important part of digital marketing when it comes to the Chinese market, which is significantly dominated by social media apps. With their advanced search engine and algorithms, WeChat and Douyin allow users to find relevant content quickly and easily. For companies looking to expand their presence in China's social media landscape, it's important to understand how to optimize content for these platforms.

WeChat SEO is about optimizing content for the social media search engine that indexes posts from Moments (only your one's moments are visible though), official accounts, mini-programs, products, services, web pages, music, books, livestream, memes, Q&A with their prefered media partners. To maximize visibility in search results, companies should create keyword-rich content, optimize titles and descriptions, and increase organic searchability through views and interactions.

Douyin SEO is similar to WeChat but with a focus on short-form videos. To be successful on Douyin, companies should create videos with catchy titles and thumbnail images, use engaging hashtags to drive traffic, and maximize interactions for better visibility in search results.


  • What Social Media SEO?
    Social media SEO is the optimization of content for social media platforms. This includes optimizing for keywords, creating optimized titles and descriptions, increasing organic discoverability through views and interactions, and more. The goal is for content to appear in relevant search results and news feeds, increasing visibility and reach in the target market.
  • What are the first steps in social media SEO for China?
    The first steps in social media SEO for China are to research the different platforms and their target audiences and to understand the culture and language of the target audience. Identifying which social media platforms the company should be active on, which sub-topics need to be served on which channel and what the content needs to look like to generate engagement.
  • What is WeChat SEO?
    WeChat SEO is a process of optimizing content for the social media search engine provided by WeChat and other platforms. This includes creating keyword-rich content, optimizing titles and descriptions, increasing organic findability through views and interactions, and more. The goal is for this content to be found in WeChat search and appear organically in relevant (video) channel news streams.
  • What is Douyin SEO?
    Douyin SEO is similar to WeChat SEO, but with a focus on short videos. To be successful, businesses should create videos with catchy titles and thumbnails, use engaging hashtags to drive traffic, and maximize interactions for better visibility in search results.
  • What is Weibo SEO?
    Weibo SEO is the process of optimizing content, such as blog posts and microblogs, for the Weibo social media platform. This includes creating high-quality content with the right keywords to ensure it appears in relevant search results, optimizing titles and descriptions for better visibility, and using appropriate hashtags to drive traffic.
  • What types of content are indexed by WeChat crawlers?
    WeChat crawlers index posts from official accounts, Moments, mini-programs, products, and services. It's important to ensure that content is keyword-rich and optimized for titles and descriptions to maximize visibility in search results.
  • Can companies set up a custom brandzone on WeChat Search?
    No, there is no brandzone on WeChat.
  • How can businesses maximize visibility in WeChat search results?
    Companies can maximize visibility in WeChat search results by creating keyword-rich content, optimizing titles and descriptions, and increasing organic searchability through views and interactions.
  • How can companies maximize visibility in Douyin streams?
    Businesses can maximize visibility in Douyin search results by creating videos with catchy titles and thumbnails, using engaging hashtags to drive traffic, and maximizing interactions for better visibility.
  • How to optimize content for Douyin?
    To optimize content for Douyin, businesses should create high-quality videos with the right keywords, use engaging hashtags to drive traffic, and maximize interactions to achieve better visibility in search results.
  • How can I increase engagement with my content?
    To increase content engagement, businesses should create high-quality content with the right keywords to ensure it appears in relevant search results, optimize titles and descriptions for better visibility, use appropriate hashtags to drive traffic, and maximize interactions for better visibility . Businesses should stay abreast of the latest trends to optimize content accordingly. Offering incentives such as discounts or giveaways can help further increase engagement.
  • I am still confused. What should I do now to become successful in social media in China? It's all so much.
    Don't worry, we are here for you. To be successful in social media in China, it is important to research the different platforms and their target audiences, understand the culture and language of the target audience.
A promise from Marcus Pentzek, Director SEO at Jademond

Director SEO Marcus Pentzek

Our team is passionate about helping you succeed in search engine optimization for Chinese social media! We guarantee that you have high-quality content with the right keywords, optimized titles and descriptions for better visibility, appropriate hashtags to increase traffic, and maximized interactions for better visibility. Plus, we stay on top of the latest trends so your content stands out from the crowd. We'll show you how to succeed with SEO for Chinese social media!

Marcus Pentzek, Director SEO
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